Jacob Johnstone (OKG23)
Tuesday, 4 February 2025

The School's Dux of 2023, Jacob Johnstone, has accepted an offer from King's College, Cambridge to study the History of Art BA (Hons) commencing October 2025. While yet to decide on a specialisation, Jacob says he is fascinated in the development of artistic expression across cultures influenced by the Byzantine aesthetic tradition. 

"I am especially interested in iconography and architecture in places like Greece (Crete), Ethiopia and Armenia," Jacob said. 

Jacob is also intrigued by modern Greek artists, including Konstantinos Parthenis for his connection with Viennese Modernism. 

"To study the work of Parthenis closely would be a privilege." 

After achieving the top ATAR of 99.95, Jacob started an Arts/Law degree at the University of Sydney (USyd). 

"I've loved studying Modern Greek as an elective in my arts degree. While law has been brilliant, I've realised it's not what I'm truly passionate about." 

Jacob is currently studying Modern Greek at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UOA) because of a connection between USyd's Modern Greek department and UOA, after which Jacob will return to working at Knox as a tutor, debating coach and for the Knox chaplaincy. 

"I'm beyond grateful for all that the School has done for me in so many areas, and I've loved coming back to work at Knox in Chaplaincy, tutoring and debating. Having adored art history for as long as I can remember, I thought it would be best to switch courses. I hope one day to contribute to education/academia in and around the field."