Raising awareness of Bowel Cancer
Thursday, 16 May 2024
Twenty-five Old Boys were among 155 people who braved torrential rain to participate in the Lachlan Kean Foundation’s (LKF) first event, a Golf Day at St Michael’s Golf Club on 5 April. The LKF was established in memory of Lachlan Kean (OKG04) who passed away in September 2023, at the age of 37, after losing his battle with bowel cancer. “Lach loved his golf, and more importantly bringing people together for a fun day out, so it was only fitting that this was the kick-off event for the Foundation,” said one of the event organisers, Andrew Barham (OKG04). The mission of the Lachlan Kean Foundation is to raise awareness and normalise screening for young adults with bowel cancer and to find this disease in its critical early stages to enhance survival. “Furthermore, we wish to help raise funds to not only support further research into this disease, but to also subsidise and assist those adults under the age of 45 who are not yet covered by current schemes.” “We had possibly the wettest conditions possible, with a classic Sydney rain bomb hitting the coast that morning, but pleasingly the course held up well and everyone was in great spirits playing in the challenging conditions.” The day, involving 124 golfers with others joining for a two-course lunch, was strongly supported by Lachie’s Knox mates and the extended Knox community. Two of the major event sponsors were the businesses of Old Boys from the Class of 2004, namely Jim Wilson Constructions (James Wilson) and R&G Constructions (Sam Rennie & Jeremy Grose), with many others donating prizes for the raffle. More than $40,000 was raised on the day through golf, merchandise and the selling of raffle tickets for prizes generously donated by many in the close network. It brings the total raised by the LKF so far this year to almost $100k, which includes the initial gofundme page, as well as donations received from the OKG04 group at their recent 20 year reunion. The golf winners on the day were all OKG04 boys: Chuck Anderson, Rob Barnum, James Wilson and Chris Sullman. What’s coming up for LKF? Sydney Marathon – LKF are proud Gold charity partners for the Marathon on 14 September 2024 (visit the grassrootz site). Entry tickets are still available for anyone who missed out and wants to run and fundraise for LKF. Please email LKF via info@lachlankeanfoundation.org for a ticket. Inaugural Ball Event @ the Ivy Ballroom – 21 September 2024. Tickets will be released shortly. Stay tuned by following LKF on Instagram. Read more To learn more about Lachie’s story and the LK, visit the LKF website. |