Class of 1954 - 70 Year Reunion
Monday, 21 October 2024
Craig Miller and Geoff Yonge (OKG54) Eleven of us gathered at the Blue Gum Hotel for lunch on Monday, 14 October to reminisce on schooldays, remember those who have departed, catch up with old friends and reflect on life and experiences during the past 70 years. Attendees were Ian MacPherson, Brian Gallery, Robert Constable, Graeme Robinson, Ian Ditchfield, Noel Corbett Jones, Ian Leafe, Dick Arndell, Ken Deck, Geoff Yonge and Craig Miller. Apologies were received from Jack Harper (Nambour), Dick Williams (unable to travel because of illness), Russell Francis (Brisbane), David Wynn (Sydney), Jim Slocombe (United States) and Fraser Sheard (United Kingdom). Over the years we have held a number of reunions and many masters, by then on christian name terms, attended from time to time. They gave us the benefit of their wisdom and what we could expect in the years ahead. At one of those reunions, Harold Bennett, shared these thoughts with us: "You are a very lucky group of men. You came from good families and your parents sent you to a great school. Knox inculcated standards and values which have enabled you to become leaders in society and your vocations. And as a bonus you made lifelong friends with whom you can share your successes but, importantly, they will be there to support you in those inevitable difficult times when they occur." We realised that time would not permit each one to enter meaningful discussions, on a one-to-one basis, with all present. The solution was to allocate six minutes to everyone to speak on the important things in their life including their family, career, views on the world and what they do to keep themselves occupied and healthy, as well as passions and interests that have developed over the years. An absorbing hour ensued! No decision was made as to when to meet again, but the consensus was that we will. Craig Miller and Geoff Yonge both regret not taking even one photograph! |